Admission to Reception and Year 3 2025
Early Bird Applicants
Siblings of Crescent pupils and any external candidates with a strong interest in a place in Reception or Year 3 are able to apply early and take advantage of a priority application process. The deadline for taking advantage of this priority arrangement is Friday 18 October 2024. Please return your completed Registration with the accompanying fee of £75 (non-returnable) by this date. Your child will be visited in their nursery setting by one of the Early Years Team or in the case of Year 3 be invited in for a Taster Day. Subject to availability and a satisfactory visit offer letters will be sent out first class on Friday 15 November 2024 with a Confirmation of Acceptance Form, which we ask you to complete and return to us together with a deposit of £400 by the acceptance deadline of Monday 2 December 2024.
On-time applicants
Applicants interested in a place in Reception or Year 3 following similar timescales to the state application process, need to register by the deadline of Monday 3 February 2025. Please return your completed Registration with the accompanying fee of £75 (non-returnable) by this date. Your child will be visited in their nursery setting by one of the Early Years Team. Subject to availability and a satisfactory visit offer letters will be sent out first class on Friday 7 March 2025 with a Confirmation of Acceptance Form, which we ask you to complete and return to us together with a deposit of £400 by the acceptance deadline of Tuesday 6 May 2025.
Please note we have been considerably oversubscribed for Reception and Year 3 places over recent years and it is possible that all places will be filled at the Early Bird deadline stage, though on occasion places become available later and are offered to the waiting group.
To complete your registration online please click here.
To download the latest Crescent School Prospectus Information Booklet please click here.