Frequently Asked Questions - Crescent School
We understand that prospective parents may have many questions that they would like to ask ahead of applying for a place for their child at Crescent School. We have included those most frequently asked, but should you have a query that isn’t covered here, please call Helen Morley, our Registrar, pictured here, on 01788 523851 or contact her by email at and she will be happy to help.
Q: Will my child need to take an entrance exam for Crescent School?
A: Whilst we do not have a formal entrance examination for Crescent School, we wish to ensure that every child will fit into school life and engage with our stimulating and varied range of activities and our ethos. We ask prospective parents to meet with Mr Thackway, the Headmaster, and we normally invite the children* to join us on a taster day which can be arranged on a mutually convenient date. Children in Year 3-6 may be asked to take a short online assessment to help us gauge their current levels of understanding. Younger children may have a reading age assessment and be asked to produce written language and number work.
*Pre-school children do not have a taster day but are normally visited in their nursery setting by one of our Early Years Team, prior to an offer of a place being made.
Q: Are there set joining points within the school year?
A: No. Where places exist, we take children throughout the school year according to the preference of parents.
Q: What is the average class size at Crescent School?
A: The maximum class size in Pre-Prep is 20 children, whilst in Year 3 and above the class size continues to be smaller than the national average, at no more than 24 children. Every form throughout the school also benefits from their own teaching assistant
Q: What makes Crescent School special?
A: We talk a lot about the ethos of the Princethorpe Foundation and it is not just talk; it really is the basis of all that we do at Crescent School and parents often comment on the friendly atmosphere when they visit. Our shared School Promise expresses the shared values of the school and inspires us all to be good friends, good learners and good citizens. We encourage the children to be kind to each other and to show respect for their peers and teachers, which in turn creates an environment where they are free to try their best and to develop their talents.
The school has grown in recent years, but the family feel where each child is known as an individual remains. This combines with the highest standards of teaching and tuition from specialist teachers in music, drama, languages, sports and art.
Q: My child is a high achiever; how will Crescent School benefit him/her?
A: Children who demonstrate a high standard academically will be supported to further develop their abilities. We go to great lengths to ensure that we meet the needs of children not just academically but also in other areas such as sports and performing arts. Sometimes parents worry that because their child is quiet or falls in the middle ground, they will be overlooked. At Crescent School this is not the case as we strive to develop the potential of all children and to develop their many talents.
Q: My child may need additional support – what can Crescent School offer?
A: Our learning support team works with children to provide extra help at whatever level they need. This ranges from 1:1 support to inclusion in small groups to hone their skills in specific areas, such as communication and language, numeracy and co-ordination.
We are quick to recognise children who may need extra support and we try to 'catch' them before they begin to struggle. This means that class teachers refer children to our Learning Support Co-ordinator as soon as they have any concerns. In addition to this, all children are screened for a range of learning needs at different points along their journey through the school. In this way we try not to miss anyone and to keep all children’s self-esteem high. We welcome input from parents and are very happy to discuss any concerns they may have.
When a child needs support that is additional to, or different from, that provided for other children of their age, then we follow the Special Needs Code of Practice fully. This includes the process of applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan where required, so that parents are fully involved and children get the support they need.
Support for a child may entail 1:1 teaching for which there is a termly charge. Children who require this teaching will receive a structured, cumulative, multi-sensory learning programme tailored to their individual needs.
Should your child need any additional learning support, please indicate this on the registration form. He/she will then spend some time with our SENCo during the taster day.
Q: What extra-curricular clubs do you offer?
A: We offer around 50 different lunch-time and after school clubs that cater for all interests. See the section on extra-curricular clubs, sport and music within this update.
Q: I am a working parent – do you offer wrap around care and holiday provision?
A: During term time we offer 'early bird' supervision from 7.45am and after-care until 5.45pm for which we make an additional charge per session.
Q: If I have two or more children joining, will I get a discount?
A: Yes, families with more than one child at Foundation Schools receive a discount of 5% for a second or third child or 10% for a fourth or subsequent child.
Q: Do you accept childcare vouchers?
A: Yes, we take vouchers from most of the major schemes, which may be used against before and after-school care.
Q: Do you operate a bus service to Crescent School?
We do not currently operate a bus service, however should you accept a place we are happy, with your permission, to pass your details on to current parents in your post-code so that you can explore lift-share opportunities.
Q: When do I need to apply for a place in September?
A: The sooner, the better. For siblings of Crescent pupils, and any external candidates with a strong interest in a place in Reception, parents are able to apply early and take advantage of a priority early bird application process.
For all other year groups the application process is handled individually but they need to be registered by Friday 26 May 2023 in order for their application to be progressed in time for our Induction Morning in June. Our prospectus pack includes a registration form and once you return it to us with the registration fee, we can start the admissions process.
Q: If I apply, when will I hear about a place?
A: Once you have completed and returned a registration form, we aim to provide feedback promptly and, once we have had time to source a reference from your child’s current school, and organise a Taster Day we will advise whether we will offer a place.
Q: Will joining Crescent School give my child priority for joining the Foundation's senior school Princethorpe College?
A: Being part of one of the Foundation's primary schools gives children a real head start in the admissions process. Crescent's pupils are thoroughly prepared for the entrance examination and have enjoyed a near 100% success rate for entry in recent years, but there is no guaranteed entry.
Q: How successful is Crescent at getting its pupils into the local grammar schools?
A: Crescent pupils who take the 11+ examinations for entry into the local grammar schools have historically always done very well. Over the last three years at least 60% of those taking the 11+ have been offered grammar school places.